Thought leaders from around the state came together for the Victoria Summit Vision Day in August where they defined a bold, new vision for the state’s economic recovery and long-term prosperity.
The Victoria Summit 2021 Reference Group has endorsed the visions to provide the overarching goals for the entire state of Victoria to work towards by 2050.
The overarching vision for Victoria is:
Victoria is the best place to live, learn, work, and operate a business.
Visions were also created for the three themes of Business and Economy, Community, Health and Wellbeing and Future of Work as well as each area’s sub-themes.
Please see the full list below.
We have a vision!
Victorian Chamber Chief Executive Paul Guerra announces the Victoria Summit 2021 vision statements.
Overarching: The entire state of Victoria is a global leader in a smart, connected world where entrepreneurs, innovators, and both existing and emerging strategic industry growth are fostered. Jobs, training, and education are constantly evolving to meet industry needs and are backed by government. Victoria, where people are valued and growth is inclusive, is the destination of choice for business to start, grow and thrive.
Growth: Victoria’s inclusive and diverse industries and community enables strategic, sustainable, and equitable economic growth to lead the nation, with a thriving system of knowledge rich, robust industries and innovation which creates possibilities for all Victorians to thrive.
Emerging industries: Victoria embraces and leads the nation in supporting new and emerging industry and job opportunities. The state’s strong foundations in existing industries, such as manufacturing, tourism, and events, continue to propel economic performance and are cultivated.
Taxation: Victoria thrives in a harmonised taxation system which is efficient, fair, agile, and globally competitive. The system is fit for purpose and incentivises jobs, investment, innovation, and commercialisation.
Regulation: Victoria’s regulatory environment safeguards and enables economic, social, and environmental outcomes which encourages new business, jobs growth, and innovation.
Innovation and commercialisation: Victoria has an interconnected research and development ecosystem which drives innovation and commercialisation. The state has a comparative advantage in targeted sectors.
Climate change: Victoria is a leading international example of a decarbonised and prosperous economy which stimulates emerging sectors and manages a fair transition and adaptation for industries and the community.
Attracting investment: Victoria has a strong share of strategic global and local investment (capital expenditure and people). The state is the destination for successful Australian and global businesses due to its desirable liveability, and its competitive, sustainable, and supportive business environment.
International trade: Victoria is a strong exporter, with foundation industries nurtured and emerging industries encouraged. The state’s global outlook and framework support Victorian businesses to thrive in the global economy, while also attracting investment.
Overarching: Victoria is the home of strong and prosperous industries that provide opportunity and choice for meaningful and rewarding work for every Victorian. Education providers, industry, communities, and government work together so all people can access lifelong learning and development and contribute to the state’s economy and vibrant society.
A skilled workforce: Victoria’s workforce is highly skilled and resilient, utilising the diverse backgrounds and talents of its people to meet needs. The state has an agile, future-focussed, and accessible education and training system.
Fulfilling work: Victoria enables the best and most rewarding employment opportunities. The state has a fit-for-purpose, fair and agile employment system offering choice which reflects individuals, industry and community needs and aspirations. The flexible and inclusive system is supported by government and provides access and opportunity to work and secure livelihoods.
Educational institutions and connections to industry: Victoria’s education, training and research system works together with industry, government, and communities to prepare, lead, adapt and respond in real-time to changes in the economy, technologies, and nature of work. Education and vocational training quality are world-renowned with strong pathways to rewarding careers and lifelong learning. The institutions and systems are a drawcard for students, teachers, researchers, innovators, and investors.
Continuous skills development: Victoria values and supports all people to undertake lifelong learning, development, and upskilling, enabling contribution to a sustainable economy and society.
Transitioning to growth industries: Victoria is successful at shifting to high-value growth industries with a dynamic and collaborative government, industry, and education approach, which ensures everyone has the right skills and the opportunity to secure work within growth and emerging industries.
Enabling employment: Victoria has an inclusive and accessible employment market where government, business, and the community work together to ensure there are no barriers to employment.
The role of migration: An agile migration system continues to attract and support the best Australian and global talent that is integral to Victoria’s unique mix of a booming economy, diverse culture, and vibrant lifestyle.
Work/life balance: Victorians have the choices and flexibility to live their best lives, supported by progressive workplace approaches and enviable career and lifestyle options.
Entrepreneurship: Victoria’s world-class entrepreneurial ecosystem celebrates, inspires, and invests in local and world-leading ideas. The state embraces and encourages entrepreneurial spirit.
Overarching: Victoria is an inclusive, supportive, empathetic, and diverse community of connection, wellbeing, and optimism.
High quality living standard: All Victorians can enjoy a high quality of life and are thriving and fully participating in the community.
Creative and diverse culture: Victoria’s diversity and inclusivity enables everyone to fully participate, contribute to and benefit from society.
Community and social connectivity: Every Victorian belongs to a connected, healthy, and cohesive community.
Mental and physical health: Victoria has healthy individuals and communities which are empowered and supported to sustain lifelong wellbeing.
Access to safe, appropriate, and affordable housing: Victoria’s sustainable structures and planning ensure everyone has access to safe, appropriate, and affordable housing.
Lifelong learning: Victorians are supported by an accessible and affordable system that equips them to fully contribute as members of society and their community.
Access to community events and tourism: Victoria’s thriving and diverse tourism and events calendar is renowned locally and internationally. The state’s events and tourism is innovative, accessible, and leads to strong community spirit, inclusivity, and fun.
Environmental sustainability: Victoria has a healthy natural and built environment with thriving ecosystems. The state prospers by operating sustainably and respecting its finite resources.
Access to affordable essential services: All Victorians have access to affordable and world-class tailored essential services that address social inequity and enable everyone to prosper.
The second phase of the Victoria Summit 2021 (September to November 2021) is to develop pathways to achieve these visions. In this phase, the visions will be analysed to identify tangible and measurable pathways we as a state need to take to achieve success. This will require in-depth, critical, and forward thinking, and courageous decisions being made by the entire Victorian community.
The third stage of the Summit is to define the actions required to achieve the pathways, which will be developed between December 2021 – February 2022.
The final stage of the Summit is to produce and launch a playbook at a Black Tie Gala Dinner on 24 February 2022.