
We purposely chose to call this document a Playbook as it is different to other kinds of reports or strategies. Rather than a concrete plan, the Playbook guides how we move toward our vision of Victoria in 2050. The Playbook has identified a raft of actions that could be implemented; how these actions are implemented is just as important as which actions are implemented.

In developing the Playbook, it became clear just how much activity is already underway by government, industry, education institutions and the not-for- profit and community sectors to make Victoria the best place to live, learn, work and operate a business. This is both encouraging and disheartening.

It is encouraging because there is already a strong consensus about what needs to be done and lots of great work happening. The Victorian Government is using its levers in policy, regulation and funding to propel our State towards prosperity. Industry and businesses are leading the way on many critical areas such as sustainability. Education institutions are evolving in response to student needs. The not-for-profit and community sectors are working tirelessly to ensure no one is left behind. However, greater collaboration and coordination is required to make strategic choices about where to invest our resources and effort to achieve better outcomes.

The Victoria Summit 2021 process highlighted the need for deep and respectful listening, meaningful collaboration, knowledge sharing and diverse perspectives to truly be effective in how we deliver outcomes for Victoria and Victorians. The five Plays aim to encapsulate this approach and keep it front and centre as we move forward and turn the ideas in the Playbook into action.

By putting the Plays into practice and aligning our effort, we will continue the spirit of the Summit process by working together to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities facing Victoria now and into the future. Embracing collaboration as inherent to how we do things is key to turning our vision of Victoria into a reality by 2050.

Five Plays

Victoria has a strong foundation on which the Playbook can build. Many of the actions focus on streamlining, accelerating or scaling existing regulation, policy, funding and programs.

By working together and adopting these Plays we can be more than the sum of our parts, have a greater impact and improve our economic and societal trajectory. In this way, we unlock the potential of Victoria and all Victorians and ensure our State is the best place to live, learn, work and operate a business for current and future generations.